How my dragons work
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I thought it was fitting that while the dragons in my Wyvern...

Default whiteness in fantasy worlds
I don't deny that I am vanilla white. My DNA test has wonderbread written all over it. Unfortunately, that means I have the problem where...

Fear of Technology
I'm techno savvy. I can use things like adobe suite and I know how to properly format using Word and mutter swearwords under my breath at...

The Sexism of Hard Science Fiction
You know there were significant figures in history who thought women just weren't capable of learning. Confucius didn't intend for...
Underrated and overrated Science fiction
So I have a couple of underrated Science fiction novels and I have one that I feel is a little overrated though still a fun read. Tanya...

New book news
Megan Lynn Rose First up we have Megan Lynn Rose's Debut book. This one deserves to be on everyone's TBR pile. She’s sworn off love. But...
Science fiction books that aged well
I love being able to re-read books. Here are some of my classic re-reads that have stood the test of time. Elizabeth Moon Hunting Party...

Science fiction books that I loved that didn't age well
There are many reasons why Science Fiction books might not have aged well. Here is my list of books that just don't sit well with me many...

Aging Science Fiction
I'm the kind of reader who goes back to their favourites over and over again. Usually, I own the books and it is only a matter of dusting...

Toa's Story
This is the last of the extracts I've taken out of my Atramento series. This story follows our blind hero before he meets the shield...