I'm proud to be ex-SA coward
I was reading an article today about how ex-pat South Africans are seen as cowards by those left in South Africa. They talked about the...

To Genre or not to Genre
Trying to figure out what genre mom's book fits in has made be think of genre. There are some authors who hate the word as it constricts...

One thing Romance should stop doing
Have you ever read a book where the couple are arguing and they end up making out afterwards. I hate those scenes. But I wasn't sure why....

5 Things you didn't know about Steampunk
I was on Steampunk Tendencies the other day and I mentioned Silk Punk as a version of Steampunk and a whole bunch of people mocked me. I...

High expectations kill books
I recently went on a trip to the Great Barrier reef. I planned it to the Nth degree. I couldn't sleep I was so excited. But when I went...

Review: Moonlighter by R.A. Crawford
This is the second book in the series. A universe where everyone are women and humans are the redneck cousins no one wants to visit. We...

Review: Song in the squall by Nathan Singer
I don't usually start off with a formatting critique but I think because the rest is done so well the one tiny bit not done right stands...

Another Secret Sci-Fi Romance writer
Lois McMaster Bujold is a science fiction writer and has an impressive backlist under her belt. I only discovered her later in my life....

Why Anne McCaffrey is really a romance writer
Okay, so I didn't come up with this concept. I was listening to Michael Cooper talking about Facebook ads and he mentioned that Anne...

The circular logic of advertising to authors
My mother is publishing her first novel. I mean I'm publishing it for her so that means putting on my marketing hat. So I've been diving...