5 ways to write faster
I have a writing class every Friday. At the this time of the year the kids are kind of 'Meh' about their writing as it is the same thing...
Review: SEALs of Honor: Easton by Dale Meyer
I've read a few of these and when I first started reading I was thinking, have a read this one? I was a little disappointed as even...
Feminism and the invasion of violent men
Recently I was reviewing a romance novel that had a violent and frankly douche bag of a love interest. It isn't the first and I doubt the...
Review: Bound by Alan Baxter
Super action packed well-written story. Easy to read but a little darker than I like my books. Not just that but the swearing and other...
Review: Ferox by Chris Brausch
If all the teenage dystopian texts had a love child with all the darkest space operas you would get Ferox. It is a little wordy but it is...
Review: Mated to the werewolf king by Alena Des
My first impressions of this book was I like the concept but the writing is a bit clunky. You know a sentence that is just a little too...
5 things I realised about the New Zealand Writing Scene
I am a very small fish when it comes to writing. I'm self published and I have two series, so though I'm not at the bottom I'm not even...
Review: Harrison's heart by Dale Mayer
The only issue I had with this book is that they fall in love too easily. I know it is a romance and that is how it should go. But three...
Review: Logan's light by Dale Mayer
I rather like Dale's work. Okay, everything is fairy tale like in that we have a damsel in distress that gets rescued but Dale Mayer is...
Camp time
It is that time of year again. Camp Nanowrimo time. I do find it amusing as for me it is the middle of the year and freezing but for half...