Review: Torch in the forest by Marcie Kremer
A young widow is struggling to keep herself free and her lands running smoothly. The men around her are arrogant and want only to use her...

Review: Merry Christmas, Darling By Denise Devine
Rock is a rich, handsome man that no longer believes in true love and marriage after his fiancé betrayed him. Kim only wants to stay in...

So, I'm trying my hand at my first NaNoWriMo. My mother has tried it before and so have some of my friends but this is the first time...

Review: Heart of the Gladiator By Lydia Pax
This is a book about a gladiator and a Healer. The gladiator has sold himself back into slavery while our Healer is a woman with very...

Release of the Next Glyph Warrior Novel
My latest book Sorrow Also Sings is going to be released this month. You can read the first chapter here. This is Degu's story. I fell in...

Why I think Self-Publishing is the way to go.
I am a control freak. No, I mean that in the nicest way. But when it came to publishing I like that I have complete control. I wrote my...

Started the day writing a little frazzled as I realised there was a typo in my publishing logo. A half hour later and all fixed, but it...

Formatting your Interior Manuscript​
The more I look around at what is to offer it seems that people pay someone else to work on the different aspects of publishing their...

Creating your own Book Cover
So when I first started I was a bit of a cheap skate and there are some very convincing websites that say that you can make your own...