For Fox Sake
The next installment in my Kitsune Shapeshifter series is out today. This story follows Kiera who is a down-to-earth Kiwi girl travelling...

Queen's birthday deals
For Queen's birthday, I thought I would do a quick giveaway. You can get Halcyon's Hero for free this weekend only. Click on the image to...

New books
So the next book in my Atramento series is out. You can check out my site if you have missed the free short stories. Freya is on a quest...

Mother's Day Freebie
So for mother's day, I thought I would give away one of my books. Also, I have a cover reveal for the last book in my Atramento series....

Freya's Story
Freya opened the window to the sounds of her parents arguing in the living room behind her. They always argued at home. When they were...

Rawiri's Story
A storm raged relentlessly outside. The small home, the pack of humans had taken over, was well suited for dealing with the inclement...

Halcyon and Warren
Warren gestured to Isabelle and Digger to wait, then ducked into his father’s greenhouse. His father never let his friends come into the...

Enforcer Harold
The Major didn’t flinch when a mortar landed nearby. He was young for a Major but his superiors had a short life expectancy so...

Betrayed Hero - New cover
So as part of my revamp of my first ever series, I have been doing up the covers and releasing them again. A new setting and more magic....

Freedom - short story
So when I redid my Atramento series I pulled all the short stories that I peppered at the start of the chapters. They cluttered up the...